Patience: Waiting on the Mercy of God

Any contractor may rush to point out the advantages of his company to a young candidate who may desire to work there. In a majority of cases, the advertising of the advantages is so tempting that one may see dressing himself in the uniform or use the emblem/logo of the company as a dream, a good desire, an objective of life. Jesus, however, upon showing the advantages that may follow also shows the risks and thus says that all may experience persecutions. (Mark 17:30)

The Word is emphatic when He says: “When you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials!” (Sirach 2:1). How does one prepare his own soul for trial? Everyone knows that one day they will die. But how many people live as if this was not the truth! It is so common to hear said in the evening: “Thus yesterday we were talking and now he is there in the casket!”

How should someone who entered for service of the Lord should prepare himself for trials?

The first need is to convince oneself that the word is serious. It is not a joke. Trials will come. They are real! And when they come, how will you act? For whomever is prepared and for whom forgets to prepare himself the recommendation is the same: “Remain strong in justice and do not fear.” It appears easy to say doesn’t it? Until the disciples passed through trouble. And in that episode, in the morning and in the fullness of the storm and boat? While everyone moaned and trembled, Jesus slept in the boat…this is the testing! Confronting the storm, water calling, wind blowing strong and thus we see the teacher. Sleeping! (Mk 4:35ff) If in those disciples it was denied to go through this, how much more we, two thousand years later! Standing firm in this hour is not only a matter of faith, it is also a matter of temper-the faith one acquires through grace and virtue. Grace because God gives it to us in our hour of holy baptims. Virtue because it is acquired also across those many times in which we are exposed to the fire. “For in fire gold is tested, and worthy men in the crucible of humiliation.” (Sirach 2:5)

It does not scare me when I see someone raging in the hour of testing. Yes, the murmuring is an evil, but it is also a natural reaction when the person forgets to listen and to choose words with wisdom. It is easier to kick the tent pole than to be humble and wait with patience (Sir 2:2) We are a generation of fast food, of aspirin, of instant communication… we are trained not to wait. The Word for millenia says: wait through th delays of God. Perhaps because He also has suffered from our delays. No one can accelerate the pocess of personal salvation, but anyone can delay it. Who has never done this? How man people go one step forward and three back. In the hour the Word thus exhorts us” Be undisturbed in the time of adversity.

Why go through all is? Is it worth it.

The consoling fact of all this vale of tears, is that you will have your day of sun. God will dry every tear (Rev 21:4) In the final moment, your future will be great (Sir 2:3)! God will save us (Sir 2:6) None of those who trust in the Lord will be disappointed (Sir 2:11) Not one sincere prayer is despised. God always acts, in His time, however.

Your Brother,

Fr. Delton Filho

Assessor of Communication of the Diocese of Uruaçu, Brazil
Coração fiel (Faithful Heart) Community, Rialma, Goias, Brazil
Radio Program via Rádio Coração Fiel

Father Delton Filho is also a recording artist.

Translated from Portuguese

Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible with Revised New Testament and Revised Psalms © 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner.Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible with Revised New Testament © 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner. <This statement is required by the US Bishops regarding the English language use of the biblical citations and was not part of the original writings of Father Delton.>