What Do We Do with Sadness

Many times we make our prayer a wail of defeat.

It is quite true that being a dialog with God, our prayer should be sincere, but this does not signify that it has to limit itself to compaints of things that thus are not well.

God invites us to make our prayer, over all, an opportunity to give praise to God that owed to Him. Presenting to God that which is not going well, or that causes us sadness is important and necessary, but we should make this in our actitude of recognition that His grace is imcomparable better than all our problems combined

On Sunday, the Day of the Lord, it is the day that we remember that tomb is empty. It is the day that we remind ourselves that death was defeated by our Lord who is living among us. What do you need to conquer today?

If sadness visits you, rise bring to bring it to Jesus in prayer and quickly this sadness will encounter its place: very far from you. Do not treat it as magic, but is is the consequence of seeking God in the first place. (cf Mt 6:33)

Great Hug,

Your Brother

Edmilson Dias
Seminarian, New Song Community

translated from Portuguese