The Rough Seas of the Soul

The Gospel of Matthew 8:28-34 speak of the calming of the storm. Jesus who gets up to silence the storm and the winds that agitate the boat en which He and the disciples were.

He slept in the boat covered with waves, and this caused fear and the sensation of vulnerability in the disciples.

God does not abandon us, He is with us in all situations, even our most impossible ones.

It is necessary to have trust and not be discouraged, even though the winds are against us.

Suffering is not a test from the God that is absent, but it is always an invitation to seek Him with more intensity through our faith.

Jesus silences the agitated waves of our soul, weighted down with the problems that we confront, we are going to trust in Him.

Bad choices that we make can sow storms in our lives, it is not God who promotes the bad and the suffering, those are consequences of our sins and of the sins of others.

Let us pray:

Lord, save-me I am suffering!

Pain consumes my chest, I need you!

I know that I walk with you, despite my suffering.

Many times I feel abandoned by you, but I know that you are with me, save me, Lord!

Your voice makes the winds to be silenced and calms the storm, free me from all that agitates me inside!

Save me from all that tumult in the areas of my life, bring calm, Lord!

I believe, but increase my faith!


Salette Ferreira

Translated from Portuguese

Salette Ferreira is a committed member of the New Song Community (Canção Nova), she is a preacher, recording artist and author.