Prayer of Deliverance for the Sins of the Family

Lord, I assume my house, my family that you gave me.

As member of this family, I ask You, pardon for my personal sins, Lord. The sins that I committed through thoughts, my sins of emotions, of actions, all the errors that I did.

I ask You pardon, Lord, for all the wrong words that I spoke, false, offensive words, that broken my brothers and that were not convenient

I ask You pardon, Lord, for all my sins of omission. The things that I should have done and did not. For not having prayed as I did, for not interceding as I should, for not watching as I should, for not controling as I should, for not using authority as I should, for not speaking when I should, for not being silent when I should. . . Finally, Lord, for all my omissions.

I ask You pardon, Lord, for all my bad actions, evil, falsity, hipocracy…from all my sin, Lord, You know sincerity of my heart

I say, sincerely, in front of you: I break with sin. I don’t want to sin, Lord, I say “no” to sin.

I now assume the spiritual authority that is not mine, but that you gave me, over the family that you Lord also gave me.

Assuming this spiritual authority, I say:

Pardon, Lord, for the sins of the family that you gave me. O Lord, you were on the cross and shed your blood for this family.

I ask You pardon, Lord, for all the sins of thought, of judgement, of words, feelings, of emotions-through my guilt or without my guilt—that my family committed.

I ask You pardon, Lord, for all the sins of omission of my family, for all that my loved ones did, disgracing and offending Your heart, disgracing and wounding my brothers and sisters.

I and my house break with sin, we do not want to sin anymore, I and my house do not want to be any more apostate children. We do not want any more to remain wandering through errant roads, through roads of temptation, slipping in sin and giving opening to it.

I and my house we say as Domingo Savio: “The death, but not sin. Rather death than sin”.

We know our brokenness, Lord, but we remain firm in faith, we remain firm in your power, in the power of Your cross, we make this proclamation: “I and my house we break with sin.”

My Lord and my God, clean me now with Your precious blood. Clean my whole house, my family, all that kindly you gave me. Amen!

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Translated from Portuguese