The Friendship Built on God

Thus as a house must be constructed on rock and not on sand, friendship too need to be constructed on the rock that is God, because otherwise it may collapse. Friendship built on God never ends, it is eternal.

Friendship goes beyond a simple conversation or walk, to be near or far, to be present or not…

True friendship is taht which brings the other to God. It is that which makes the other happy, that goes out of oneself to give oneself to the other.

The friend is whomever understands you, knows all that which happens with you.

To be a friend is to be present even when being distant.

It is to fight through the other and it is to be consoled in difficult moments. It is the one who corrects and at times does not agree, but does not leave or walk away.

Friendship overcomes walls.

Friendship is gift and it is to be shelter, to be faithful, to be a treasure

Friendship consists in love.

Have a happy day friends.

I thank God for all my friends. You are my treasure!

I love you all!

Claudia Guedes

Translated from Portuguese