Have You Read Mark Shea?

There is an interesting saying that a bad day fishing is better than a good day doing anything else. I don’t know if that is true, as I don’t fish, but I can apply it to other activities. My favorite music is jazz and so a bad day listening to jazz is better than a good day doing anything else outside of being in communion with God.

As you know, I read blogs in various languages and translate those Portuguese and Spanish language blogs affiliated with  Canção Nova (New Song) into English. I do not post entries from other English language blogs here because the mission of Catholicismanew.org is to present the point of view of non-English speaking Catholics, from Cardinals to laity, in association with the Brazilian Based Catholic Community of Canção Nova. However, that does not mean that I don’t read English language blogs too. One of my favorite bloggers for years has been Seattle’s Mark Shea. Indeed, he is listed in my blogroll to the right.

He wrote a joke in light of a referral to my blog that various people, including myself, misunderstood. That is ok. Now we understand and it is fine. A bad day reading Mark Shea’s blog is better than a good day doing anything else, outside of being in communion with God. (Although listening to jazz is not far behind.)

Keep up the good work Mark. To those from Brazil and other countries who read English and read Catholicismanew.org, if you have not done so already, why don’t you drop by http://markshea.blogspot.com and check it out.

Fr. Robert J Carr