Why Is It So Difficult?

When I was preaching Sunday in the Holy Mass, suddenly this question came into my heart. “Why is it so difficult to listen to God?” The response I saw in the same instant: Because we have difficulties with silence. Saint Faustina wrote that to listen to God I need to have silence in my soul. In another passage she said that silence is the proper language of God.

Then, God brought to my heart these words: “We need to create spaces of silence!” Creating spaces of silence to hear God. Spaces where we can not only not speak, we can learn and educate ourselves to hear.

I have perceived that a major part of our prayers are vocal and they consiste only in speaking, speaking. When will we learn to hear? Create spaces of silence and you will learn to hear God. This exercise is for me and for you. Don’t forget: Whomever loves, speak but listens more.

God Bless You.
Fr Antônio Aguiar

Fr. Antonio is the Moderator General of the Comunidad Divina Misericordia (Divine Mercy Community) and writes from Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Translated from Portuguese