The Word of God As Eternal News to Men and Women

[Please Note: Jeronimo writes from South America where Spring happens at the time those north of the Equator celebrate Autumn. Hence, what appears to be the reversal of the seasons is actually accurate as he in September approaches Spring-ed.]

It is interesting to perceive that the permanent values do not have a journalistic flavor. In the intinerary of life, the people see, for example that no news journal reports of a marriage that is living well for thirty or forty years.But if a quarrel happens between them, the news appears in some social column. It is sad, but it is true: Today the good is not news.

I walked thinking of this, upon entering in the month of September, dedicated to the Bible, and once more before the Spring, feeling that the Bible does not age, on the contrary, it always renews itself, as do flowers. Continue to be news, because it participates in the greatness of God. Continues to give news of Him for Millions of persons, with the flavor of newness of that which does not age, because it is eternal. It is a living seed, capable of birthing new cornfields. It is the Eternal making itself contemporary in the history of men and transforming it into the History of Salvation. It is “the human and the divine shaking hands. ” It is the edge of the roadside of life. The Bible is this… And because it does not say that it is also of the certain mode it is at the point of union of both realities, that which is already actualized the presence of eternity, bringing man and God each day and through each experience to be more intimate friends.

In the exercise of Christianity, it is not difficult to comprehend the dream of God for humanity translated in each biblical fragment. Overall when through the Incarnation of the Word, the eternal word makes itself God With Us. Jesus Christ is the Word of God-“Dei Verbum” as they would say in Latin. He is as was said with propriety and elegance “exegesis of the Father” This is The One that translates and reveals the Father. And the good in this process is  in the liturgy of our Eucharistic celebrations, this shows itself with more expression and clarity. Truly is present all the riches of our mass, because through it we sit at  the Table of the body of the Lord, after we feed ourselves from the Table of his Word. In this universal sacrament one completes also the movement of the “Et Verbum caro factum est”-the dynamism salvific of the Word becomes flesh. The Dei Verbum of the Liturgy of the Word, this is the notice, the notice of God to men, one becomes nourishment and life in the Eucharistic Liturgy and translated for this to say, the Eternal for the eternal.

In fact, there is no equal, of a Word that makes itself see and that be cultivated on the edge of existence and in the garden in the human heart. Riches of a news, that makes itself always so new and filled with significance. That never exhausted itself, because its found is and eternal beginning and grows the horizon of that which the embraces.

That we may have, therefore, each day, the availability of echoing in the environment of our relations the news that the compass that orients our life is the Word of God. The news through which we we are guided in course of existence attributing itself of that manner fully signified. And that anchored in this Word, thus comes the rains of all the contradictions, the gales of errors, the runoff of all hopelessness pretending, leaving those that hear and believe in it, remaining firm and standing translating beauty and life like the trees of Spring for God is with us.

Your Brother,

Jerônimo Lauricio  (Com. Canção Nova)

Translated from Portuguese