Jesus' Advertisers

Woody Allen taught that comedy is tragedy plus time. If you look at today’s first parable, the story about the unjust steward, it look like something that Woody Allen could work with. Indeed, in a way, it look like a few comedy writers could use it as the seed for a great episode in any sitcom.

However, Jesus uses this to make a point. What is interesting is that His lesson can be lost as the formula Jesus uses is different than what He uses for other parables. That is because in other parables he is teaching a lesson about the Kingdom of God or the nature of the Father, in this parable he is teaching a lesson about who God is. In this lesson He is exhorting his listeners to repent and to act creatively for the Kingdom.

When we think of being creative, we don’t think of Jesus necessarily, however, He acts creatively throughout the Gospels. I have said that He teaches the Apostles to think differently. He uses dramatic ways to exhort them not to be afraid, to go beyond other ways of thinking, even to walk on water. However, instead of just explaining these lessons, He also acts them out, so we see him shut off the storm, while the apostles tell him they are afraid.

Here Jesus is calling his listeners through the story of the unjust steward to reserve a place in Heaven by repenting and serving the Kingdom. Let’s look.

Usually when Jesus speaks a parable, the landowner represents the Father. This, I do not believe is what is happening here. I think, if anything, the Landowner represents another figure. I say that because what does the unjust steward do? He realizes that he is about the be held account by his boss, so he does what he can to secure a place after he is terminated by his boss. Is not Jesus then using this to ask if we are working to secure our place when we are done.

The steward acts creatively and make friends for himself by finding away to endear himself with those he was been working for. He makes a personal sacrifice, taking his own cut of that which is owed to his boss and allowing the creditors to pay only half of what they owed.

Jesus later in the gospel then shows his people how those who are this world will work creatively to get what they want. He calls the His followers to do the same.

I want you to think of this for a second. One of my favorite shows in Survivor: Look what people are willing to do for One Million Dollars. What Jesus offers us is greater than One Million Dollars, what are we willing to do for it. What we willing to do to show our love for Christ, what are we willing to do to show others that Christ loves them? I want you to reflect on that question and look around as you go to or from work. How much advertising do you see. What is your favorite Advertising on television. Look about you and see just how much effort is being done to get you to buy a sponge. Now look at what effort is being done to lead you to Christ.

Jesus says elsewhere, do not show up at the gates of Heaven with hands hanging. That means bearing no fruit. However, to bear fruit we have to work for the Kingdom and creatively. Jesus laments that so many of the worldly are working to bear fruit of themselves. What is being done to bear fruit for Christ?

What are you doing to bear fruit for Christ this week. I would not suggest you work on a Madison Avenue campaign. However, it may be a good question to ask God in your prayer. Lord What can I do for You this week? How might I lead others to come to know you and continue to pray.

God Bless You,

Father Robert J Carr

Fr. Carr is an alliance member of the New Song Community (Canção Nova). He is the pastor of St. Benedict Parish in Somerville, MA and is the editor of this blog.

Photocredits: Hermano León