Live the Prophetic Life in Hope

photo by Carlos Eduardo

We are before the prophet Ezequiel, a man who was obedient which today we need most in our Church, that is to be true prophets.

In front of Ezekiel, he had some bones, they did not have life. Apparently this vision is scary, bones and silence, there the death was predominant and there was no hope. But the prophet is invited to walk among these bones to prove that there was no life, only dry bones. This vision is applied to the people of Israel that were like cadavers, because they were a people who had lived in exile and needed to be resuscitated. The prophet needed to show the people that the hope had not died.

The problem of our humanity is the lack of hope, the people are losing and losing hope is losing faith and joy. We are not saying to live only the Glory because we will aways have problems problems, but we need to have hope. Don’t lose hope and I say in your life from today on is a new life filled with hope.

The prophet was faithful and obedient to the Word of God and we also need to be obedient, we need to have courage to prophecy in our houses. Then if in your house there exist dry persons, prophesy Words of blessing over the person, no more curses.

In that combat that we live, the enemy wants to make us live in cowardice to human respect. However, today, in this time, we need to prophecy the truth and begin again, not thinking of the past, but living the hope of the today. The great problem is that many times we are sitting and we need to go fight.

To those resuscitated bones, it was necessary to prophesy over them. Your problems are not going to end, but enough that you ask the Holy Spirit and live the truth of the faith, be Catholic, practicing with fervor.

We need to live a fervorous, prophetic way, which is not without difficulties. It is the liar that offers you a Catholicism without suffering. we need to be of God prophesying of being obedient to listen to the will of the Lord. The noise and the situations have tried to silence you voice.

We need to enter into combat, and our fight is not against men of flesh but it is a spiritual battle. And because we are a people that is preparing for the second coming of the Lord, then we need to ask ourselves How am I living my life?

Our life is a passage, an Easter, problems we will always have, but they do not signify that we will not have happiness, but our definitive joy is in Heaven. To arrive there it is necessary to enter the good combat. Enough with remaining silent.

We need to begin again, we need the new life, but this will only happen if we assume Jesus Christ 100%, because the lukewarm will be cast out. We need to be on fire in the Holy Spirit, and even though those problems will come to pound at our door, we look to God the Father who gives us his only son because he loves us.

In the name of Jesus, I prophesy over your life today a new life. But it is necessary to react, we need to do our part. We want God to act, but it is necessary that we do our part, to live the hope, the joy and return to prophesy. The arms of our battle are prayer, the word of God, the Virgin Mary, confession and the Eucharist. With certainty, these ares will give us victory. No matter how big your problem is, God is bigger, simply live with hope with determination. We are going to fight! Living these practices of daily prayer. Assume the Word of God and have hope.

Fr Bruno

Fr. Bruno gave this talk during the Spiritual combat conference in Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil.

Translated from Portuguese

Fr. Bruno is a priest of the New Song (Canção Nova) in Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil.