St. Augustine Lived PHN?

He was a young man who lived all in his youth. Think of a guy who did everything wrong?! Imagine?! Multiply that by 2, this was Augustine. He lived as an intellectual pagan, lived with a woman and with this woman and developed a stable relationship and at 19 years old he had a son Adeodato.

Augustine was part of a philosophical-religious sect. At 17 years old his son Adeodato died.

Augustine was a young man who greatly liked reading and dedicated himself to book and became a professor of grammar.

It was only when he was 32 years old that he converted to the Catholic faith.
Since his conversion, the fights were great not to sin and not do anything wrong to hurt the heart of God. He believed that loves and being loved was a delicious thing” and, therefore, he fought against sin so that he would not be left unloved by God.

We can follow the example of St. Augustine fighting against sin. St. Augustine was really a young man that lived PHN (Portuguese for Por Hoje Não, Vou Mais Pecar: Not ToDay will I sin).

PHN is this. Fight daily in order to allow oneself to be loved by God.  And to prevent arriving at the point of saying with Augustine “Too late have I loved you” so says PHN.


translated from Portuguese