We Count on Whom?

It is very good to find someone with whom and in whom we count on and who supports us. Many times, however, we pass through delicate situations and we don’t know on whom to count nor to whom we ask for help, other times we support ourselves in person in whom we trust, but we find ourselves deceived because they don’t correspond to our expectations. It is not because they don’t want to help, but their weakness undermines their help. In the middle of all this there is “Good News” for us, in this day:

“Happy those whose help is in the God of Jacob.” (Ps 146)

Não podemos fazer das coisas nem das pessoas o nosso apoio e a nossa esperança, porque facilmente caímos no desânimo e na decepção. Isso só não acontece quando colocamos a nossa esperança na rocha firme, que é Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Com Ele jamais vacilaremos nem nos decepcionaremos, porque o Senhor é fiel para sempre e sustenta-nos na caminhada com o Seu amor e poder. Ele é o nosso Deus, que cuida de nós, mesmo quando não O vemos.

We cannot do things in those persons who support us and help us, because easily we fall into discouragement and deception. This does not happen when we put our hope in the firm rock that is our Lord Jesus Christ. He will never waver nor deceive us, because the Lord is faithful for he always sustains us in the road with His love and power. He is our God who cares for us, even when we don’t see Him.

We trust in the Lord always, because we will never be deceived or confused.

We proclaim throughout the days of our life:

Jesus, I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

Translated from Portuguese