A Flag of Faith and Hope

A student of Pedro León Gallo High School, of Chile, son of one of the miners buried in Chile since the 5th of Agust of this year, after the collapse of a mine, joined with his school classmates, had the initiative of sending to his father and the 32 other miners 2 Chilean flags.

Jorge Silva of cancionnueva.es with Jaime Coiro

His father trapped in the San José mine, when he received the presents, wrote on the flags the name of all the miners in order that each one of them could sign. After, he sent it back to the child. One of the flags remains in Pedro León Gallo High School and the other the children brought to his mother at the Congress of Catholic Press in Rome, Italy and was given to the executive secretary of communication and Press of the Conference of the Bishops of Chile, Jaime Coiro.

In accordance with the CIO of the John Paul II Foundation (organization that maintains the Canção Nova (New Song) Community, Jorge Aparecido da Silva-was at the event-This was the moment most emotional of all the encounter. “Many were emotional with hope and faith for the miners that were trapped.”

This past Wednesday, there was an audience with Pope Benedict XVI and Jaime Coiro, was one of the chosen to meet with the Holy Father, for this moment, the secretary brought the flag.

The initiative of the Chileno students followed bringing to the Church a message of hope, making that the Catholic world that was there represented by 80 countries was moved and at the same time, united in prayer for the miners. They, still in the middle of a tragedy, made their voices resound to Rome in the center of the Church with a silent message of faith.

All the members of the Catholic Press Congress prayed for these brothers, whose names and signatures were stamped on the flag with a form of thanks to all those that interceded for them without even knowing them.

The Canção Nova Family also unites with them in prayer, with the security of all those that are going to be witnesses to the action of God in the life of each one of them.

From Canção Nova via Canción Nueva Chile and Daniel Galaz.

translated from Spanish