In order that all that is bad may end, we need to pray to the Lord

This homily was delivered the weekend of September 19 and the readings Fr. Anderson are using are those from that weekend. -ed.
The word comes to our retreat, in the Old Testament the sign of blessing was material goods, Amos begins to speak the errors that occur through this, for the mission of the prophet is to announce the errors that happen. The riches were apparent, but inside were all the poor. the world of today, the person want to buy others with material goods, but we Christians cannot. It appears that Jesus praises the administrator, but praises his cleverness, this cleverness we could use for the good, to bring people to God.

In order that all that is bad may end, we need to pray to the Lord. The joy of God is not that person may be condemned, but that all may go to Heaven, including those that are lost in the world. We need to pray and wait that these persons may be converted.

When Jesus healed, He said: Your faith healed you, if we have this faith all can happen.

We need to ask the Lord that He may make in us a new Pentecost, healed, we can ask here and now for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that are necessary to our ministry, ask and you will receive.

We ask, therefore, the Holy Spirit to our families, We ask the gift of prophecy, of miracles.

Fr. Anderson Andrade

Translated from Portuguese