A Porn Addiction

Currently, the porn industry is a  huge industry , not only in The USA but also in Brazil and it is growing every year. To increase the access to this kind of product and make it less offensive, the media changed its nomenclature. Today, what was synonymous of vulgarity became a “adult products”.

Gone is the time in which porn was distributed through poorly printed magazines and sold secretly on newsstands. This industry changed into different segments and has grown more and more socially accepted. Some companies do not hesitate to include and offer – openly- to their customers those products or services reserved for adults only. One finds it in rental videos, Cable TV stations, games among countless other venues.

Greater access and social acceptance – as something normal – many people have become avid consumers of pornographic products. Through various ways they let themselves little by little, become more and more caught by the consumption of products with obscene contents, which can lead them into an addiction.

As any other kind of addiction, this practice of consuming is going to force those to watch more and more “spicy” images. These scenes, increasingly bizarre, will not be so offensive anymore,  even if the protagonists were children or teens who barely understand  why people are using them and what they are doing.

Pornography perverts the deepest expression of love between a man and women. It makes couples accustomed to porn consumption, change their preferences and warp their  libido obscuring the simplicity of sexual intimacy between a man and a woman; which will go against their nature

For those who feel hypnotized by the most bizarre images, it is a sign that what was only a curiosity has led them into a dependency, that certainly will affect their relationships. And it is common for them to demonstrate lewd attitudes through conversations, looks, thoughts and unfortunately in their gesture of affection which will not often not be pure any more.

It can be most embarrassing for someone to admit his/her  addiction, and to seek for help.

The person, who is caught in the consumption of these products, will need to break with such dependence. And as any other treatment, she/he must eliminate from her/his habits any kind of erotic contents, getting rid of magazines, movies, blocking adults TV channels or hindering the access to Internet through passwords or any other protective devices.This is to reverse the harm caused by pornographic fantasies, bringing back the joy of balanced and healthy living between man and woman, without emptying the greatness of intimacy reserved for couples.


Dado Moura

Dado Moura is committed member of Canção Nova and  oversees the community’s internet presence from Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil. He also has an English language blog at www.dadomoura.net

Translated from Portuguese

Dado writes a blog in translated to English at www.dadomoura.net