Always It Is Time to Do Good

Always it is time to do good, to act differently, to begin again, to be happy and to seek anew, to acquire new and better customs and abandon old vices and habits, because today is a new day and the grace of God impels us to live it in a new manner.

We do not insist in dragging ourselves down and becoming bitter, building a difficult and complicated life. If we need to pardon, we pardon, if we need to help someone, we help. We remove from ourselves all negativity and let us open ourselves to The One that can radically change our life, we become healthy persons and balanced as He knocks  today insistently on the door of our heart because he wants to give us new life. Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Jesus passes through this life doing the good indistinctively, Likewise as He acts so should we. Let us throughout this day be challenged by this question from Christ: “What is permitted to do on the Sabbath: the good or the bad, saving a life or allowing it to perish?” (cf Lk 6:9)

The day for doing good is today. Let us not permit that our heart to close in on itself or that the grace of God passes in our live without us taking possession of it.

Lord teach us to act as the Lord Acts.

Jesus, I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

Translated from Portuguese