The Dream of God For US

Elisa left simply to serve his master, Elijah. He did not imagine anything more. The Lord has dreams in respect of him. The greatest joy of God the Father is to see happen in the life of His children what He dreamed for each one of them, what He dreamed for you.

When we give ourselves over to the hands of God, we don’t imagine the heights of his Dreams in respect to us. St. Teresa of the Child Jesus imagined what would come to be. That which would become for the youth. That quantity of churches, dioceses and cities consecrated to her is impressive. Teresa who went to Carmel when she was 15 years old and who remained there for almost 9 years would be able to imagine the amplitude of the dreams of God for her. The holiness of life. You are not less loved than Theresa.

I don’t imagine the height of the dream of the Lord for me. In the same way, you also cannot imagine the dimension of the dream of God in relation to you.

God Bless You!

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Founder of the Cancao Nova Community.

Taken from the book ““O Espírito sopra onde quer” (The Spirit Blow Where He Wants”) by Monsignor Jonas Abib

Translated from Portuguese