The Laity Can Go Where the Fathers Cannot

In Evangelization, a partnership that works is the work of the priests and the work of faithful laity. Without competition, but in the spirit of co-operation and unity, the laity can go where the fathers cannot. They are present in places many times we cannot reach therefore they are an important tool in the evangelizing action.

Laity well formed and conscience of their Christian identity fertilize the diverse realities of secular life where they are inserted, leaving their homes for work, commerce, politics…they evangelize through their testimony of life that ferments all with the force of the gospel.

“Men of the Church in the heart of the World” persons of flesh and bone, fully human, synchronized with the present time, therefore, oriented to Christian values and nourished through the Gospel. Persons that remain in the world and accompanying its tranformation, continuing strong in the direction of the church and in the life of the Gospel.

As the yeast that is invisible has the force of fermenting the whole mass, the faithful laity contribute directly to the construction of the Reign of God upon leaving the very concrete realities. They are true disciples and missionaries of the Gospel, promoters of life and communicators of the evangelical values.

I recognize, with joy and humility, that much of that which I could do in my pastoral life happens thanks to the healthy assistance from diverse laity, men and women, young single youth, and diverse married couples that accepted the role that they were in the world, an extension of the mission of the Church for the construction of the new world. At Canção Nova [New Song] is a concrete proor of this part that gives certainty. You can add with our mission, or also in your parish with a priest that is there. Certainly your will be able to do more together. God be praised through the life of all the faithful laity, therefore you know the gift of God is an efficient instrument for the action of the Church.

Arriving where the father cannot go, and being a living witness of the Gospel, there is a beautiful mission, with a vast field of action: the world.

With my blessing

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova [New Song] Community