Overcoming Fears

Fear is one of the principle emotions that rules the life of the human being. (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church #1772). It is a psychological mechanism that serves to alert us of something that violates our emotions or physical integrity.

There is a so-called state or panic syndrome that is fear at its most highest instances. In this case, in order to heal panic syndrome it is necessary to have medical treatment.

Therefore, that which we most perceive among human beings is fear in a form of zones of tension characterized by certain fear that paralyzes the person in the middle of the situation that possibly allow failure or the exposure or emotional bruising. This time of fear may prevent a person in the exercise of his liberty and in his capacity to love. Through fear, many times, we prolong uncomfortable and painful situations. We act through coercion, we huie the truth for fear of reaction of the other, we don’t want to offend or lose.

In order to overcome our fears, the only way is to confront them, for the object caused can be external, but the fear always will be an emotion, knocking, it will be inside person, and only he can decide for himself and enter the the dark areas of his heart. According to Psychotherapist Augusto Cury, the secret to overcome fear, even panic is to confront the focus of tension, address the fear and re-edit it in the mind. (O Mestre do Amor, Ed. Academis de Inteligência-2002, p. 43).

When confronting that which diminishes us, generally we discover that the monster is much smaller than we imagines.

The traumas and the new situations that cause fear are opportunities for growth. It is necessary to face them, now armed with the decision to conquer with the knowledge of the facts of the present time (that brought the experience of whom you are and of the world around you.) and principally, with Christ Jesus taht loves you and makes you the victor. Jesus teaches the Apostles a confront their fears, transforming fearful men of Galilee (they even were afraid to ask questions, cf Mk 9:32) to preachers of the Gospel helping them in three ways:

To be daring: “Jesus called Peter to walk on the water” (cf Mt 14:29) In unknown territory, seek to motivation to go a little further.

Permit failure, weakness: “The rich young man left and did not follow Jesus (Mt. 19:22) if someone is not certain, you can continue seeking new possibilities, you will know what try other new roads. Error is also part of the process of learning.

Also he permits errors of others. “The apostles returned to fishing after the resurrection of Jesus” (cf Jn 21:3) he does not condemn the guilty, even though it causes some prejudice, he looks at the investment in the person, It is better to have at your side experienced person rather than bit players.

Believe in your intuition: Jesus stimulated intuition of his apostles directing them through questions: “And you ,whom do they say I am” (Mt 16:15) Methods and theories exist because someone before had a sense and tested his idea. Follow the voice of your heart! God communicates with us also through forms of inspiration.

The words written in the Gospels are eternal and actu for the men of the time of Jesus to today. And our Lord Jesus Christ always said: “Do not fear” (cf Mt 8:26; 14:27; Lk 12:4; Jn 20,19 “Courage”((cf. Mt 9:2; Mk 10:49; Jn 16:33).

God Bless You!

Sandro Ap. Arquejada

Canção Nova (New Song) Community

Translated from Portuguese