The Sanctification of Your Family

“The will of God is your sanctification” (1Thessalonians 4:3a).

The home is the perfect place where sanctification happens. Husband and wife, Parents and children are like knifes that bother one another. Holiness happens inside this “test tube” that God prepares carefully. It is there that God wants to form his saints: woman saints, men saints, parents and children saints. It is in the family, more difficult it may be that God wants to form saints. We cannot destroy this “test tube”. We cannot permit that the enemy destroys it. What he wants to do is impede the will of God: Sanctification is sanctification in our family.

How many magazines, films, pictures, posters that enter in our house and that should not have entered, for they pollute our home! We can think that we that it will not do any harm, but if we bring trash inside the house, later will appear bad smell, flies and ants. This spiritual filth in our house makes it an ideal place for the forces of evil to settle.

We need to be radicals! We need to change all in order that this trash does not enter our house any more. Whenever we do not throw out these inappropriate magazines, books, posters, novels, films, music, these things cannot resolve themselves. Your house cannot keep this trash. This is the will of God: The sanctification of your family! if you continue to allow, it may be for convenience or for not knowing how to act, contamination is going to enter and wreak havoc in your family and in your own marriage.
Our house is holy, because it provided by God. Even with all our problems, it was God whom wants it. Your family is not simply human will,  but by God’s will! Your family starts on the altar, through the Sacrament of Matrimony. Your house is holy! It is necessary to keep it holy!

God bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Founder of the Canção Nova (New Song) Community

Taken from the book (“Eu and Minha Casa Serviremos ao Senhor” [Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord] from Monsignor Jonas Abib)