Do You Know the Prodigal Son?

Luke: 15, 25-32

Well known is the story of the Prodigal Son, the youngest of the house who asks for his inheritance and leaves, he spends all and returns repentant to the house of his father. The father that waited all his life has a party and runs to encounter once he saw him returning, as does God the Father with you and you me.

Only that the older brother was not so happy with the return of his brother, as his father. We see his reactions, that also are not different from the reactions that many times we may have:

  • He lived over many years in the house of how own father and acted as a servant and not as a son: not trusting, masked.
  • He had a rebellious behavior when he heard the music, calling the servant and asking what was happening, pretends not to know the motive of the joy.
  • Disobeys his father, remains indignant not wanting to enter the house, demonstrates an interior division.
  • He is imprudent, responds to the father and does not accept the invitation
  • He is selfish, seeks position through his acts.
  • He is frivoulous in thinking of the pleasure with his friends, does not remember his father or his brother.
  • Remains hateful because the younger brother lost his goods, he does not pardon.
  • Is greedy, unbelieving, and does not submit, he does not want to be part of the joy of his father, but spent his whole life living with his father, but did not feel as son, he did not love the father as son.

It is necessary that we know to be part of the joy of the heart of God with the brother who returned to the house of the father and to love the brother who was lost, this brother does not have the name because it is my name and your name. We return to the house of the Father, He waits for us to have a great feast.

We watch our posture as the brother that are returning, we rejoice with the Father.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust and hope in you

Antonieta Santana Pereira Sales

translated from Portuguese