The Coming of the Reign

We are in the year of Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ of two thousand and ten! Before Christ and After Christ! This one refers to the historical indications. Even whoever does not believe in Him, continues giving account on His birth. To Him honor and glory, That one that is the first and the last, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. And We Christians consider the liturgical year the time that goes from the first Sunday of Advent to the Solemnity of Christ the King. Beginning a new time, so that the calender has not arrived arrive the thirty first day of December. When January comes, we will already be imbued of a new mystic that comes from on above!

The coming of the Reign, the realization of the will of the Father and the Recognition of the holiness of His name is encountered present in the most perfect prayer taught by Jesus, the Our Father. We have within us an infinite desire, a dream of perfection, for never will be satisfied with something that may be less than God. Yes, it is the infinite love that attracts us, in order that we may want of perfection in perfection until arriving at plenitude.

The reign of God is present in the world without us even looking for signs of his thunderous presence. We need only look around to discover these signs. An eternal and universal reign: reign of truth and of life, reign of holiness, and of grace, reign of justice, of love and of peace. But the reign should grow and implant itself in order that God may be all in all.

Jesus is King, but not in the models of the world. We see Him before Pilate proclaiming His reign, but crowned of thorns, giving life for the salvation of all. His throne is the Cross, in which He proclaims unusual decrees upon asking the Father forgiveness for the executors and amnesty for the Good thief. Since then, His throne-cross was planted on hilss and in hearts. His Reign spreads silently, discretely and present, counting on agents that can be poor or rich, of all races, languages and nations. Our more attentive view will show signs of hope and healthy optimism.

The preaching of Jesus is the proclamation of the Reign of God, a true passion that pervades all His words. Reign that is compared with plants, flock, histories of persons and families transformed in parables, in order that the persons may open their hearts and understand that which He says. Reign that already arrived and is to be asked in prayer, mysterious! And mystery and something that always can be a little more understood never to be exhausted.

In one of His terse affirmations, the Lord proclaims “seek the Reign of God and his justice, and all these things will be given more” (cf Mt 6:33) The actualization of the Reign of God depends on our freedom, for it is treated as a new form of living, that is proposed and not imposed. Those person that are left to provoke for the Reign of God, the Church indicates that these days of the end of the year a road of revising life.

That values will orient the decision taken in the diverse ambitions of personal and social life? In turn from us flourishes the respect to life and the dignity of the persons? Do we live for others or each one is interested only in himself without looking around? Do our dreams and projects include the common good? And the question can be many, driving our decision. We do not need to seek psychics or futurological previews, in order that we may life the new year if we live well each present moment, illumined for values of the Reign of God, each surprise will be welcome!

And that which makes with eventual difficulties that certainly appear in the corners of life? The will be transformed in new decisions for serve to God and to neighbor, in the divine alchemy of love, supreme law of the Reign of God. The time of the Christian is not only the relentless running of the clock, but the opportunity (Kairos!), new change offered for Divine Providence. And may the Reign of God and its Justice come.

His Excellency Alberto Taveira Corrêa
Archbishop of Belem, Parana, Brazil

translated from Portuguese

please see the original website for the official message.