Time of the Visits of God

Father Jonas who is the founder of Canção Nova (New Song) always teaches us that nothing is in vain and even the difficult times can bring us to growth, maturity and to bring many graces for they are visits of God in our life. Yes, with certain of our moments of pain, God thus makes himself more present. He remains closer to us in order to care and console us. It is thus that is what I sense at this time.

If you do not know, this passed week, I suffered a miscarriage. I spent 5 days hospitalized but the pregnancy was not present, our son went to Heaven. It is a grace to know that already we have a little son that he reached the glory of heaven, while we are still here languishing and pedaling to arrive there.

I am grateful for the prayers of those that remained knowing and united with us. This also was very important. Now is the hour to look forward, living well the joy of this time of Christmas, of continuing to wait, first for the arrival of Jesus, afterwards, the time of being able to bring forth another child. Continue praying for the people.


Bem da Hora (Good Times-one of the programs offered by Canção Nova (New Song) TV)

translated from Portuguese