Jesus Shows the Road to Healing: Adoration.

The physical and spiritual healing which we need is in Eucharistic adoration. This brings us closer to the throne of grace.

We need to adore in spirit and in truth. Even in brokenness, using our mouth, our mind, our feelings, our knees to adore Jesus. The cure will come over us. This is the manner how the Lord acts.

Jesus points to the road for healing: adoration. The father is finding adorers in spirit and in truth. Adoring in spirit wants to say putting our spirit in adoration. We have the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit, we are filled with His gives, He prays in us. Even that our flesh may be sick, we can pray in the spirit.
Perhaps we are the soul full of pain due to problems and situations that appear difficult to solve.Therefore we don’t have words for adoring the Lord. But in the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans, we read: “The Spirit comes in help in our weakness. For we do not know that which we must ask or how to ask; The Spirit himself intercedes in our favor, with inexpressible groanings.” (Rm 8:26)

We do not have word to express ourselves before Jesus in the Eucharist, but the Spirit comes in our help. If you give yourself to this type of prayer, even in the middle of many pains and tears, you will be adoring in spirit.
God Bless you!
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder Canção Nova (New Song) Community.

translated from Portuguese