That the Presence of God Will Involve Our Generations

“The scepter will not be taken from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from his feet, until He comes to whom they belong and whom the people will obey” With these words . . . we are encouraged to believe that our savior will come. The scepter is the symbol of reign and the one who will use it will be Christ, who will govern all the nations. We are at the doors of Christmas and we need to believe that Jesus will bring for us His reign of love. It is the time to ask: does there exist some reality of our life where Jesus is not governing as king and Lord?

Possibly if we stop to see, we will note in our life and in the life of our family how many realities where Jesus needs to act and govern. It is an opportune time to examine our conscience, our heart, our actions and with the light of Christ allow God to become director of our life.

The reading of the Gospel from last Friday (Mt 1:1-17) appears listing names of successive generations until Jesus arrives. The wisdom of the author is justly a perception of Divine Providence that at over time manifests itself in human history, making that all may have the fullness of the Incarnation of the Word.

Have you stopped to think of the course of our life having a guideline where God was driving wisely the things and acts? Even that in many times our wrong choices had brought us to an apparently weakness. God in His infinite mercy rescued us in the blood of His Son Jesus.

God manifests his love in all our generations, the Gospel of today and a beautiful instrument of prayer over the generations. We are invited today to the light of the Christ event, to allow that our presence involves all the generations and with Him we proclaim the blessing that is our history, our family, our life.

Christ Jesus, the Blessed of the Father saw us through the blessing of God that extends itself over the face of the Earth.

So Be It!

Father Donizete Heleno
Canção Nova (New Song) Community

Translated from Portuguese