Monsignor Jonas Speaks on Youth, Evangelization and the Mission of Canção Nova (New Song)

“We need to be in the middle of the youth, because the youth want the certain, want the correct, but all around them only they see that which is not good,” affirmed the founder of the Canção Nova (New Song) Community, Monsignor Jonas Abib, during an interview at Vatican Radio Friday December 17.

The priest referred himself to the mission of Canção Nova that has improved over the year. “Canção Nova wants to be present [with the youth]. The people do not know how much they want to do, but, even that we plant only a seed, the Lord Jesus will do the rest in favor of our youth.”

Monsignor Jonas said that the community is full of young people who devote their lives to the evangelization as missionaries. He also noted that the contribution made by them to the Church is the pursuit of living Christianity with authenticity. We simply do not live a theoretical Christianity. We want, with every effort to live a fully incarnated Christianity. “

Reflecting on the preparations for Christmas, Monsignor Jonas explained that in advent, we remember the first coming of Jesus, but the liturgy also refers to His second coming. This happens happens that we may life “day after day as if Jesus were to come today. This is the secret of holiness,” he said.

The priest also noted the mission of Canção Nova: “We of the Community, we even have a manner of speaking in respect to this-we are those that are walking to the second coming of Jesus.”

Upon concluding the interview, the priest spoke of the future of the community and explained the process of the digitalization of TV and of Radio, that seeks to improve the efficiency of evangelization.

“This is a necessity. We have to grow also in quality, because we to be higher than secular broadcasters, not in opposition but on the contrary, in order that we may be a presence among them. In order that the truth of Jesus may be announced as it was in the early times of Christianity,” He affirmed.

Canção Nova News

translated from Portuguese