What Are We Going to Give?

Part of our customs is to give presents to those whom we like. Further, we like to give and to receive. . . and the presents are welcome, they are demonstrations of affection

But in fact, which is the best present that we can give to someone?

The answer is simple: Our heart! Or it may be that we are going to give a present to someone. Before the present arrives, first and what truly makes the difference is give someone an open embrace, or without anything in hand to offer, how about a smile?

And for that father who works darn hard in order to pay tuition for his children, what would be the best present for this father? To see his children educated, right? Then son/daughter do your part and give to your “elder” this joy.

And for your wife which present will make her smile? This is easy!!! That you look to her and tell her that you lover her greatly!

And a request of forgiveness? Courage brother…reconciling with someone you love is the best present for both persons!

And you, you need to pardon someone? Perhaps this may be the most important present that you are going to give to someone…..think of this…

This is the truly significant present

To be presence making the difference and changing the end of history.

And now, what are we going to give????

Justos Somos Mais [We Are More Together]

translated from Portuguese