With the help of the hands of the Apostles people were cured of all types of illnesses, blindness, leprosy, etc. Therefore, many embraced the faith and went to Jesus. Like Christ, the Apostles also did miracles.
The greatest of all, therefore, the great miracle, was the transformation of people.
Some men that brought a life totally pagan, far from God, recognized God living and true, they recognized Jesus and returned to Him. The Word was announced and the Holy Spirit was poured out.
This is the proposal God has for each one of us. It is not enough to be Catholic, to be father or religious, to go to Church and to participate in Mass. It is not enough to have a pastoral job in the parish. Moreover, in order to do this, is with efficacy, in order that the person may be touched and transformed, it is necessary that each one of us be filled with the Holy Spirit.
To be baptized in the Holy Spirit is this: permit that He who already es in us, realize the same acts that he realized in the first Christians, in the primitive Church. Permitting that He transforms us and renews us.
God bless you!
Monsenhor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community
(Excerpt from the book “O Espírito sopra onde quer” [The Spirit Blows Where He Wills] by Monsignor Jonas Abib)
Translated from Portuguese