New Year, Time of Hope

“It is important to know that I can always continue to hope, even if in my own life, or the historical period in which I am living, there seems to be nothing left to hope for.” (Spe Salvi 35)

The imminence of the Civil year, of the world calender, brings us to make a general assessment of our lives, of all that we live, needs also to involve hope.

Many times we fixate ourselves on things that do not give much certainly throughout the whole year and we limit our hope for the year that draws near. Frequently we become discouraged and leave our dreams of better days.

God, still, invites us to a life of hope. We can hope for better times and we will have it in the measure in which our hope remains tied to the firm rock that is Jesus.

In the world you will have tribulations, but be encouraged, for I overcome the world (Jn 16:33)

Hoping for a new time is not self-deceiving that there will not be difficulties that we will confront, obstacles that will be overcome. But it is to know that we will not live alone and that we will not fight in vain.

Hoping for a new time is characteristic of those that know in Whom they trust, not in human structures-that are failures-nor even in the authorities nor in the persons near us, but the hope of our life is in That One that overcame death and manifested the resurrection. Our confidence solidfied itself in Jesus Christ.

Make, therefore, an assessment of the year that is about to close, but do not forget that a new time is possible! If this year was good, the new could be therefore better in the measure that we are united to the Lord of Life, He who gives us hope.

However if, looking at the year that is ending, we do not continue to see beyond the pains, tears and afflictions, may we have the courage of looking at the cross of our Lord and may we perceive that it is not the end, but the beginning of a new time. In the measure in which we permit that truly Jesus maybe the center of our life, all other things are going to take their proper place.  Also from cross can bring the resurrection with Jesus over all that which happens through it.

Let us pray: Lord, we ask you, envelope us with Your Holy Spirit and help us to hope with trust the manifestation of Your grace. Frequently we are discouraged with ourselves and with persons around us and we stop dreaming. We ask you, renew the hope in our hearts and grant us a new year, and a renewal of the hopes in our heart. We trust in you, Lord. Come to our help! Blessed may your be Lord, now and forever. Amen

Happy 2011 to you!

Grande abraço, (Big Hug)


Edmilson Dias

Seminarian-Canção Nova (New Song) Community

translated from Portuguese