How Do We Live in Unity in the Midst of Our Differences?

Whomever is not with me, is against me, and whomever does not unity with me, scatters” (Lk 11:23)
The Lord wants to speak to us about unity. He wants us united. And we know that the major gift that Jesus asked the Father in the moment most solemn of his life was the Last Supper, it was justly: Father that they may be one as we are one.”

In the Trinity, there is a play so marvelous of forces that the three person strongly united become one. For us it is quasi-impossible to create a union one with the other. Then the following question can raise: “How is it possible Jesus asks us to live in unity, being that in reality, this will happen with great difficulty? For our failings, defects and differences will be so great this unity is impossible.” Therefore, our unity has to be realized in another manner, that can be sympathetic. Your roof is special specifically because its shape is round. The rafters are supported on the wall and a round support in the center of the chapel. There exists a mathematical game of forces that sustain the whole room and the round center support is responsible for sustaining all the rafters that maintain the roof. It is something good to see.

We are thus like Jesus. Imagine that Jesus is a key stone for where all converge. As living stones, we converge for Him and in him we support ourselves; of this modo, there exists among us a harmony and a marvelous strength. Now suppose that one of the rafters of the chapel does not support the round center supports. Fatally this would fall, it would break the equilibrium and the room and put all at risk. Of the same form, when we are not supported in Jesus and united to Him, we break firstly with Him compromising all the others.

If the rafters of the chapel were made united among themselves, nothing would happen, there would only be a mountain of rafters and nothing more. However, upon uniting themselves with the central support, they keep their marvelous unity and joined in a great harmony, they continue to sustain all the ceiling in a very artistic form. Our unity has to be made in Jesus, therefore, we send away our differences. Therefore, we cannot be more attentibve to the differences that exist among us, once that they really exist and are glaring. When we begin to live it may be in the nucleus, the cell or community, our failures begin to be more evident. If we want to make unity only when the person are do not present any defects we will never built it.

The desire of Jesus, therefore, will not be realized. The salvation of the world that depends on our unity, will not be realized. Jesus teaches us that our unity is not based on ourselves, but on Him. And in Him we need to support ourselves, to leave all our differences and deceptions that we cause in order that we may be united

Excerpt from the book “Curados para amar” of Monsignor Jonas Abib

translated from Portuguese