Simple As Clay

Without defense, without beauty, clay dry, lifeless, the dryness takes over, nothing to plant, because there is no reaction, dead and mutilated earthenware, or even wet clay, but nothing more than clay.

Nothing … … … … … ….

We must assume this condition of clay! We are clay, simple clay! But we have a potter who wants to take care, kneading, to transform and to shape this clay

It’s all a transformation process that is painful and time consuming.

The potter with his virtues can see what our eyes can not see.

This is how God manifests himself to each of us with his infinite love.

We often are this filthy mud of sin, pride and arrogance, but God in his goodness and patience never gives up loving us and looking at us and He sees the most beautiful creatures, even when we do not see this.

He has the ability to look us in the condition we find ourselves in and see the “perfect perfection” of his love, the most beautiful work of art created by His hands, and there we rejoice in this spectacle of creation in which He believes entirely.

And if He believes, you cannot doubt!

Cleto e Maria

translated from Portuguese