The Seven Spiritual Weapons

Recently, The Holy Father dedicated his Catechesis to the figure of St Catherine of Bologna, as part of his circle of reflections on great women of the Middle Ages. The Pope cited the autobiographic and didactic treatise-The Seven Spiritual Weapons-written by the Italian Saint Catherine of Bologna, one of the great women of the Middle Ages, speaking “of great wisdom and profound discernment” on the temptations of the Devil.

1. Be careful and preoccupied with working always for the good;

2. Believe that alone, we cannot do anything of true good;

3. Trust in God and, in His love, do not fear any battle against evil, be it in the world, or be it in ourselves;

4. Meditate with frequency on the events and words of the life of Jesus overall His Passion and Death;

5. Remember that we die

6. Have fixed in your mind the thoughts of the good of Heaven;

7. Have familiarity with the Sacred Scripture, bringing yourself always in heart in order to orient all your thoughts and all your actions.

A beautiful program of spiritual life, also today, for each one of us!” Exclaimed the Pope.

From the Blog Como Maria [Like Mary]

translated from Portuguese