Jesus, the King of kings, Jesus Himself, before Pilate, proclaimed himself to be King. And testified that His Reign was not of this world, as Pilate thought.
Pilate entered in the palace called Jesus and asked Him “You are the King of the Jews? Jesus responded: “My reign is not of this world. If my reign was of this world, my guards would fight in order that I am not turned over to the Jews. But my reign is not from here.” (Jn 18:33,36)
Jesus declared Himself King, but affirms that His Reign is totally different. He is really King of Kings and Lord of Lords and cannot not be this.
It is important for us that Jesus be our King. A great joy of Jesus, King, is that we remain firm in the church that He gave us.
God bless you!!
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community
(Excerpt from the book “Eucaristia, nosso tesouro” [Eucharist, Our Treasure] by Monsignor Jonas Abib)