God Trusts in You

“Exhort people to trust in My Mercy” (Diary of St. Faustina #1452) Reading Luke 19 that speaks of Zaccheus, I was feeling in my heart that the people did not trust in Zacchaeus, for he robbed them when they paid taxes. All saw him with mistrust, therefore, they rejected him.

This was why he climbed the tree, for he knew that the people did not trust in him, and, among the multitude they could hurt him. They tried to isolate him from Jesus. But he wanted to see Jesus, therefore, he climbed the tree. There, he thought that he could see Jesus in safety. It was when Jesus stopped and called his name that He showed that He could trust in in him.

And saying still more: Jesus went to his house. One only goes to the house of whom the people trust, so Jesus showed a trust in Zaccheus. This demonstration of trust Jesus makes with Zaccheus, the tax-collector, felt in his heart. This passed immediately to a trust on his part in Jesus, then his life changed. I felt that things were going to change at the moment in which I began to trust in Jesus, and you?
Father Antonio Aguiar

Translated from Portuguese