Being Bearer of Peace

“Peace is the messianic gift par excellence, “but also a human value to promote the social and political cohesion, but has its rootsin the mystery of Christ. “Benedict XVI


We are humans, we are people! Wherever we go, we leave marks and traces of our personality. From the values and concepts that we create, we leave good or bad examples.

Today the Lord invites us to be bearers of PEACE. Peace is not in the sense of not promoting violence, but in being a bearer of the peace that comes from God. Peace that is the GIFT and GRACE of the Holy Spirit. PEACE from the Spirit.

Who never passed close to someone and felt that “PEACE”?… This or that person passes peace through his presence because he was and is bearer of God, he was filled of God.

We are going to try to live today this passage from the Gospel: “Blessed those that promote peace, because they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9

Please read:Message from the Pope for the World Day of Peace 2011

God Bless You,
Translated from Portuguese