Do You Have Confidence in God or Yourself?

It is not always possible to walk in security

The person is happy who seizes all that life offers, and who manages to perceive the facts, the joys and the deceptive realities that will grow in a positive manner to their own universe of comprehension of their existence. In some situations it appears that life “puts us in a trap”, when we see our dreams, and all that we build, crumble.

Many times, we feel death wishes when some thing that we desire a lot leaves us or does not happen; but before some situations it is necessary that the heart asks some questions, if  in fact, that we which dreamed would be better for us.

It is difficult to see our projects crumble, but they are special moments to give account of whether they were truly the dreams of God for us.

God knows what is better for each one of us, He can see further than we are able to understand and when we give to Him the reins of our life His action is made real in all and across all, taking us from torturours roads, and leads us to the correct road, including what we are not capable of perceiving.

At least we build our stories and rule our decisions in our ideals, protecting us in our personal convictions, without submitting to God our will, Acting so, we run the risk of living constantly frustrated, because we trust in our own strength and not in the one who knows what we truly need.

God knows us better that we know ourselves; He knows what really, in fact, brings us to our essence.

Christianity is territory where the confidence i established as a necessity, because it is not always possible to walk with the support of the certainty that we desire to anchor our lives.

The certainty that we need to anchor our steps is what brings confidence in God who cares   and always has the best, including when all appears dark.

God always is acting in molding and making us better. It is necessary that we may trust in Him in his manner of acting, and not only in our strength and convictions.

God has the best for us, He always has it… We must trust and permit that He leads all things, because He knows that which is best.

Adriano Zandoná
Canção Nova (New Song) Community

Translated from Spanish