God Works in Us

God works in us “He chooses us to be holy and blameless in his sight, in love” (cf Ef 1,4).

The artist picks the clay and works with his own hands. He models it, giving it the form that he wants. After he paints and finally brings it to the oven to transform it into an artistic piece. And it is this way that God works in us. We are not clay, but He takes us in His hands and works until we arrive at the form that He wants. After this, He brings us to the oven: It is necessary to pass through the test of fire.

Thus as the artist contemplates his piece after it is finished, God wants to contemplate, with love and joy, the work that He does in us. His goal is to make us saints and blameless in his sight, in love. It takes a lot of technique to work the clay: there can not be pebbles, motes, or dirt, otherwise the clay cracks and the piece is lost. But if the piece is well worked, the clay withstands the fire and the piece remains perfect.
Deus abençoe você! (God Bless You!)

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova (New Song) Community

(Excerpt from the book “Vocação desafio de amor” [Vocation Challenge of Love] by Monsignor Jonas Abib)

translated from Portuguese