Prayer for Breaking a Curse

Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you are the Son of God and the only way to God, who died on the cross for my sins and for me was resurrected from the dead.

With the foundation in what You did for me, I believe that the claims of Satan against me were canceled on Your cross.

And so † Lord Jesus Christ I submit myself to you and commit to serve you and to obey you.

In this base, I take the position against whatever evil force of darkness that, of whatever form, has come to my life—I want either through my own acts, for the acts of my family, or of my ancestors, or of something more of which I am not aware. where there may be some darkness in my life, whatever evil force, I renounce it now, Lord.

I refuse to submit myself to it any more, and in the powerful Name of Jesus † The Son of God, I take Authority over all forces of evil that may torment me, I separate myself from them and free myself completely of their power.

I invoke the Holy Spirit of God to invade my being and to make my deliverance and unbinding from evil, complete and real, as only the Spirit of God can do.

In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

(Pray the creed) I believe in God the Father Almighty. . .

Antonieta Santana Pereira Sales

Translated from Portuguese