CNBB: For the Occasion of the Beatification of Pope John Paul II

Statement from the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops regarding the Beatification of Pope John Paul II:

“God call us to holiness” (1 Thessalonians 4:7)

The National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) addresses itself to the Catholics and to all people of good will to manifest its happiness and gratitude to God for the beatification of the Servant of God, John Paul II, on the next first day of May. Pope John Paul II greatly loved Brazil and visited our country three times. Among us, he was affectionately welcomed and acclaimed “John of God.”

The beatification encourages us to deepen our universal vocation to holiness. In his first message, he invited all “open the doors to Christ Jesus!”His life was an eloquent testimony of holiness, by great faith, love for the Eucharist, filial devotion to Mary and the practice of unconditional forgiveness. The Word of God was for him intensely lived and proclaimed to many different people. The spirituality of the cross accompanied him in the experience in the experience of orphanhood, poverty, in the attrocities of war and of the communist regime, but principally in the attack suffered in St. Peter’s Square. So serene and uplifting, endured the misunderstanding and opposition, the limitations of old age and illness.

The whole world was edified on his commitment to pro-life, family and peace, human rights, ecology, ecumenism and dialogue with other religions. He revealed himself to be a great world leader, a true “father” of the human family. Repeatedly asked for forgiveness for the historical failures of the children of the Church. He even went to meet his assailant in prison, offering him forgiveness. By the encyclical Dives in Misericordia and the institution of the “Divine Mercy Sunday, ” he expressed his commitment to the reconciliation of humanity.

He was a missionary Pope. Many apostolic journeys marked his pontificate and encouraged in the Church, missionary zeal and dialogue with cultures. In the Great Jubilee the Church encouraged and urged to enter the third Christian millennium, “casting a net into deeper waters. ” He affirmed and promoted the dignity of women, extended the Church’s social teaching and confirmed that human development is an integral part of evangelization. He valued the media to serve the Gospel. To all captivated by his warmth and human sensitivity, children, youth, poor, sick, prisoners and workers were his favorites.

Pope John Paul II encouraged, especially priestly, religious and missionary vocations. He addressed his Personal message to the priests, every year on Holy Thursday. Lay and consecrated were valued and encouraged He dedicated synods to them, to promote their dignity, vocation and mission in the Church.

We therefore invite all people to praise and thank God for the beatification of Pope John Paul II. “Brazil needs saints,” he proclaimed at the beatification of Mother Pauline. Touched by these words, we entrust to her intercession the sanctification of the Church and world peace. We hope that his testimony and his teachings continue to animate the great family of peoples living together in building a co-existence that is just, united and fraternal, the sign of the Kingdom of God among us.

Brasília, on the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord,

March 25, 2011
His Excellency Geraldo Lyrio Rocha
Archbishop of Mariana
President of the CNBB

His Excellency  Luiz Soares Vieira
Archbishop of Manaus
Vice-Presidente of the CNBB

His Excellency Dimas Lara Barbosa
Auxiliary Bishop of Rio de Janeiro
Secretary General of the CNBB

Translated from Portuguese

NB: This is not an official translation