God Is In the Colors?

Yes and See Why!!!!

If your today is without color, we understand that you are sad, right?

And continuing this same way of thinking, we can say that you put color in your life! Or maybe in other words, “cheer-up”, “rejoice”!

Then we can make a parallel with colors, and perceive that God created each, tone, and we use it when we want to refer to something!

There are colors that are sacred, as Blue is the Mantel of Mary, the red of the Blood of Christ, the color of our skin!

There are also liturgical colors, that pertain to the altar cloth, the ambo and the liturgical vestments.

White- Symbolizes victory, peace, a pure soul, happiness. Use it on Holy Thursday, The Easter Vigil, in all of the Easter season, Christmas and the Christmas Season, in the feasts of saints (when they are not martyrs) and in the feasts of the Lord (except the Passion). It is the predominant color of resurrection.

Red- Symbolizes fire, blood, divine love, martyrdom. It is used: Palm Sunday and the Passion, Good Friday, Pentecost Sunday, in the Feast of the Apostles (except John), the feasts of martyrs and evangelists.

Green-It is the color of hope. We use it in Ordinary time. (When in Ordinary Time, one celebrates a feast of the Lord or of the Saints, use the color of the feast.)

PurpleSymbolizes Penance. Use it in Advent and in Lent. You can use it also in the offices and masses for the dead. (As for Advent, there is a tendency to use violet, instead of rose, to distinguish it from Lent, for Advent is a time of happy expectation and of hope, in living sober and not in penance, as Lent)

Black-It is the symbol of fight. One can use in in masses for the dead, but in those celebration one can use also white, giving then emphasis not on pain, but on resurrection.

ROSE-Symbolizes also happiness. Can be used in the 3rd Sunday of Advent called “Gaudete”, and on the 4th Sunday of Lent called “Laetare” both Sundays of joy.

The natural color or artificial pigment, the saturation of colors, of primary colors, secondary, tertiary, the neutral or the mixture of colors form a universe that enchants and says much, for they can have a psychological influence on the human being.

What is the color of your heart today????

Is the color vibrant??

Or with no tone, almost without any color????

From Junto Somos Mais (Joon-TOE SOE-moes Mah-EEZ) [We Are More Together]

Translated from Portuguese