She Rose and Began to Serve Them.

Entering the house of Peter, Jesus saw the mother-in-law in bed with a fever. touch her on the hand, the fever left her. She rose and began to serve him” (Mt 8:14-15)

Jesus certainly was filled with piety and compassion through the worry and anxiety of his friend. It is anguishing to know that we have someone sick in bed in our house. And given the fact this woman was healed, by her serving them, she shows that she was an active woman. Her going to bed should produce in that family, in that house much sadness and insecurity. Many times it is this that we feel, when someone that we love is sick.

But before all the emotions and feelings, that we experience when we have someone sick, we can today ask ourselves, Are we prepared that Jesus touches our lives as he touched the Mother-in-law of the Peter?

Let us pray, together:

Lord Jesus, before these situations that leave us in bed, come to visit us. Re establish the physical, emotional and spiritual health of our family. Send us Your Holy Spirit, in order that once living in our heart through the grace of Baptism, we may be fearless and strong men and women and that within our heart, is the same disposition of serving as that of the mother-in-law of Peter.

That the grace of being visited by Jesus, of experiencing his healing power, instills in us and puts us in service of Love.


Have an great day.

from the Blog Como Maria (Like Mary)

Translated from Portuguese