Jesus Has Something to Do for You

Perhaps you may be needing resurrection, as Zacheus, who was a man with lots of money, and lots of power in the city of Jericho, but hated by the people whom he cheated. Therefore, he already could not stand his life, but he had not encountered a road to change. Upon knowing that Jesus was in the region, he went to him and climbed a tree in order to see him. The Lord saw him, saying to Him: “Zaccheus, come down quickly, I need to go to your house today.”

If you want a solution for your life in the hope that Jesus has something for you to do, you are right. The Lord was at the house of him in the hour in which he was leaving, Zaccheus said to him: “Lord, if I robbed someone, I will return all and give all the rest to the poor.” And Jesus responded to him: “Today salvation entered in the house because also this is a son of God; Because the Son of Man came to seek and to save those that were lost.”

So as He did with Zaccheus, Jesus wants to enter in your house and save that person who is lost.

God bless you!
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova (New Song) Community

(Excerpt from the book “Caminho para a santidade”  [Road to Holiness] by Monsignor Jonas Abib).

translated from Portuguese