Jews and Catholics Address the Challenges of Faith in a Secular Society

Canção Nova News: The Best Way to Be Informed

Leonardo Meira
Canção Nova Newsroom with material from the Holy See Press Office

The Bilateral Commission of the delegations of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Committee for Religious Relations of the Holy See with Judaism held its 10th meeting between Tuesday 29 and Thursday, 31, in Jerusalem.

The discussions revolved around the theme of the challenges of faith and religious leadership in a secular society. The discussions stressed that, along with many benefits, the modern world has brought a sharp rise in consumerism and a nihilistic ideology that gives an exaggerated focus for the welfare of the individual over the collective, which leads to a moral crisis. “Our modern world is substantially devoid of a sense of belonging, meaning and purpose, “according to a statement issued on Friday, April 1.

From this perspective, faith and religious leadership have a crucial role in providing hope and moral guidance that comes from the consciousness of the Divine Presence and the Divine Image in every human being. Both traditions – Catholic and Jewish – declare the importance of prayer for this awareness , combined with the study of Sacred Scripture for the essential inspiration and direction for life.

The meeting stressed that believers are responsible to witness God’s presence in the world, particularly through education, focusing on youth, as well as through an effective engagement in the media. Likewise, charities that are dedicated especially to the vulnerable, sick and marginalized, and engagement in the unfolding of life in civil society are the means par excellence of that engagement.Aspectos positivos

Secular society, understood in terms of greater engagement in society in general, also indicates a society where religion can flourish. At the same time, the focus on the individual brought many blessings and led to giving more attention to the issue of civil rights. “However, that this focus may be sustainable, it must be based on an anthropological and spiritual framework wider, which takes into account the ‘common good’, which finds its expression in the religious foundation of moral duties. The affirmation of the society on these human duties serves to strengthen and entrench the human rights of their constituents,” states the text of the final meeting.
The Bilateral Commission expressed the hope that outstanding issues in negotiations between the Holy See and Israel are resolved soon and that bilateral agreements are ratified quickly for the benefit of both communities.

“The Catholic delegation took the opportunity to reaffirm the historic teaching of the Declaration Nostra Aetate (No.4), from the Second Vatican Council, about the Divine Covenant with the Jews, that” still, because of the Patriarchs, is very dear to God, whose gifts and vocation know no repentance “(cf. Rom 11.28-29) “, and recalled the prayer for peace from Pope Benedict XVI upon receiving the Bilateral delegation in Rome on March 12, 2009, quoting Psalm 125 ‘Since Jerusalem is entirely surrounded by mountains, so the Lord surrounds his people, now and forever. ”

Translated from Portuguese