Position Against Homosexual Practice Is Legitimate Expression Says Holy See

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The representative of the Holy See to the UN in Geneva, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, said that anyone who attacks those who have views against homosexual behavior violates the right to freedom of expression.

The Archbishop spoke during discussion of item 8, “Sexual Orientation” in the sixteenth session of the Human Rights Council on 22 March, and expressed his concern of the “alarming trend” of “attacking people for taking positions that do not support the sexual conduct between persons of the same sex. “

Archbishop Tomasi affirmed that the Church does not in any way justify violence against anyone by reason of their preferences or sexual behavior, but also cautioned that in international law, the term”sexual orientation” refers to feelings and thoughts and not the conduct. Therefore, he cautioned that attacks against those who oppose certain sexual behaviors is not justified, this is because of freedom of expression and belief.

“When they express their beliefs or moral beliefs about human nature, which can also be expressions of religious beliefs, or opinions about scientific claims of the State, they are stigmatized, or worse, despised and persecuted, ” he says.

“The Holy See takes this opportunity to affirm the dignity and worth of all human beings, and to condemn the violence directed against people because of their feelings and sexual thoughts or sexual behavior, ” he added.

The prelate said that there is today an “unnecessary confusion”about the meaning of the term “sexual orientation”, which accordingto current international law, refers to “feelings and thoughts” and not “conduct”.
However, States “can and should regulate behaviors, including various sexual behaviors. Worldwide, there is a consensus between societies that certain types of sexual behavior should be prohibited by law. Pedophilia and incest are two examples” .

For his part, said the Holy See wishes to affirm the deeply held belief that human sexuality is a gift that expresses itself in genuine and full delivery to the life of one man and one woman in marriage. “

“Human sexuality, like any volunteer activity, has a moral dimension: it is an activity that puts the individual will to the service of an order, it is not an ‘identity’. In other words, it procedes from the action and not being, even though some tendencies or “sexual orientations”have deep roots in the personality.”

“Denying the moral dimension of sexuality leads to deny one’s freedom in this respect and erodes , ultimately, the ontological dignity. ” This belief about human nature is also shared by many other religious communities and other people of conscience, ” he concluded.