Recognizing the Identity and Challenges of the Diaconate

Canção Nova (New Song) News: The best way of being informed

Leonardo Meira,
Canção Nova News

(Itaici, SP, Brazil) A specific ministry in the church structure, with proper vocation and well-defined mission: the service of charity In general, can be noted as the identity of the permanent diaconate.

And it is precisely the theme of the 9th General Assembly of the National Committee of Deacons (CND) – “The identity of being diaconal, the Word of God creating communion” with the motto “One body, one Spirit, one hope ” (taken from the letter of Paul to the Ephesians). The meeting began on Thursday July 7, and continues until Sunday, 10.

According to the communication spokeman of CND, Deacon José Carlos Pascoal, a major challenge is to live the three dimensions of the diaconate evenly – Word, Liturgy and Charity. “The integration required of a deacon in the Church’s social dimension is very clear in the ordination. However, often through parochial necessities and other reasons, the Liturgical ends up standing out almost completely, ” he explains.

Moreover, we must also find appropriate ways to witness to the identity of being a deacon, the servant of Jesus, in the world and in all environments. “The parishes seek more celebrations, the sacraments. However the fruits begin to appear – many dioceses are investing in the diaconate as a basis for social assistance, such as the Cáritas e Pastorais Sociais [pastoral, charitable and social service agencies] “added the deacon.

The chairman of the Comission Deacon Odélcio Callingaris Gomes da Costa, recalls that the Permanent Diaconate was present in the early Church; it was discontinued for many centuries and restored during the Second Vatican Council.

“The big news is that the deacon should live full, intense and balanced the two sacraments  Orders and Matrimony. For this you need to budget time, and to have sensitivity to understand the situations of injustice that the ministry needs . We are not ordained to the priesthood, but to be servants, followers of Christ, in the practice of charity, ” he analyzes.

300 people are expected, including deacons, wives of deacons, candidates for the diaconate, priests and bishops. The current president of CND, deacon Odélcio Callingaris Gomes da Costa, presides over the work. The Archbishop of Teresina (Piaui, Brazil) and, referencial to the deacons of Brazil, Dom Sérgio da Rocha, also will accompany the meeting.

At this meeting, the deacons are studying changes in the Civil and Canonical Statutes of the CND and to update the Guidelines for the Permanent Diaconate (Doc. 74 CNBB). Another topic of discussion is the preparation for the Second Congress of Latin American and Caribbean’s (CELAM) Permanent Diaconate, held in Itaici next month. The agenda includes the election of new board of the CND for the quadrennium 2011-2015.

The 49th General Assembly of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) – to be held 4-12May – includes a review of the Permanent Diaconate Guidelines among the priority themes.

“This is not a new document, but a makeover, upgrading what already exists and ends up getting outdated due to the dynamic needs of the Church in Brazil. We consider this addition very positively, because it is not commenting on a recognition, but also actualizes the way the episcopate sees the diaconate.  Some bishops were against it or were not interested, but now have rediscovered the specific mission of this service,” affirmed Deacon Pascoal.