Vatican to Promote Meeting for Bloggers

Canção News: The Best Way to be Informed

from the newsroom with Vatican Radio

On the 2nd of May, a meeting of bloggers will take place at the Vatican, organized by the Pontifical Councils for Culture and Communications. The goal is to enable an open dialogue between bloggers and Church representatives.

In addition, the event also allows bloggers to share experiences and demands of those who work in that environment. The Church shoulduse the meeting to promote new initiatives being prepared in the context of the internet.

In both sessions planned, will present some key points to initiate an open discussion with all participants. At first, five bloggers,representatives of the various linguistic areas, will present general themes.

In the second, people engaged in the communication strategies of the Church will present their experiences of working with new media, and also the initiatives for an effective meeting between the Church and the world of bloggers.

Participants will include the President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Archbishop ClaudioCelli, the director of the Press Office of the Holy See and of theVatican Radio, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi. One of the most important aspects of the meeting is to offer the opportunity for new contacts and to open new possibilities of interaction.
The meeting will be one day after of the beatification of John Paul II which should attract to Rome many bloggers. The invitation is open to everyone, but to participate, you must send an email to and indicate the link of a blog. There are 150 vacancies with the desire to be a representation of the entire blogosphere.

The credential and event details will be made according to ​​linguistic and geographical criteria, the type of blog (institutional, private, more of a blogger or personal).

Simultaneous translation into Italian, Spanish, French, Polish and English. The bloggers will be meeting in the auditorium of St. Pius X, No 5, Via della Conciliazione enter through Via dell’Ospedale.

translated from Portuguese