Do You Know The Crown of the Precious Blood of Jesus?

Lent is a time of prayer that prepares us for the greatfeast of Easter, the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus. In our parishes and also in Canção Nova at Cachoeira Paulista-SP Brazil there are liturgies of Holy Week: I invite you to pray thisprayer for the conversion of all of your family and friends who have not known the love of God through the Precious Blood of Jesus shed on the Cross:

Start praying the Creed and then one Our Father and Glory Be

1. Father of mercy, I offer the merits of the Precious Blood that Jesus, your beloved Son and our Redeemer, shed in the circumcision.

Forever blessed and adored be Jesus Who hath saved us with his Precious Blood.Blessed and exalted be the Blood of Jesus, now and forever and for eternity (repeat 7 times).

2. Father of mercy, I offer the merits of the Precious Blood that Jesus, your belovedSon and our Redeemer, shed on the agony in the Garden of Olives.

Forever blessed and adored be Jesus Who hath saved us with his Precious Blood.Blessed and exalted be the Blood of Jesus, now and forever and for eternity (repeat 7 times).

3. Father of mercy, I offer the merits of the Precious Blood that Jesus, your belovedSon and our Redeemer, shed on the scourging.

Forever blessed and adored be Jesus Who hath saved us with his Precious Blood.Blessed and exalted be the Blood of Jesus, now and forever and for eternity (repeat 7 times).

4. Father of mercy, I offer the merits of the Precious Blood that Jesus, your belovedSon and our Redeemer, shed on the crowning of thorns.

Forever blessed and adored be Jesus Who hath saved us with his Precious Blood.Blessed and exalted be the Blood of Jesus, now and forever and for eternity (repeat 7 times).

5. Father of mercy, I offer the merits of the Precious Blood that Jesus, your belovedSon and our Redeemer, shed on the way to Calvary.

Forever blessed and adored be Jesus Who hath saved us with his Precious Blood.Blessed and exalted be the Blood of Jesus, now and forever and for eternity (repeat 7 times).

6. Father of mercy, I offer the merits of the Precious Blood that Jesus, your belovedSon and our Redeemer, shed as he was nailed to the cross.

Forever blessed and adored be Jesus Who hath saved us with his Precious Blood.Blessed and exalted be the Blood of Jesus, now and forever and for eternity (repeat 7 times).

7. Father of mercy, I offer the merits of the Precious Blood that Jesus, your belovedSon and our Redeemer, shed wound on his side open.

Forever blessed and adored be Jesus Who hath saved us with his Precious Blood.Blessed and exalted be the Blood of Jesus, now and forever and for eternity (repeat 7 times).

At the end pray Hail Mary.
Padre Luzinho
Translated from Portuguese