Sex Out of Marriage is a Grave Ethical Disorder

Canção News: The Best Way to be Informed

source from ACI Digital via Canção Nova News

The President of the Pontifical Council for Life and the Family, Cardinal Ennio Antonelli, defended the family based on marriage between a man and a woman, and said that sexual activity outside of marriage presupposes a large disorder from the ethical point of view.

During the presentation of the Journey Catholics and Public Life  in Bilbao, Spain, the cardinal pointed out that sex is “a language and an expression of true love above ourselves. “

In this sense, he encouraged to regulate fertility through naturalmethods because they are open to life, as it is “willingness of couples to have children. ” The prelate noted that condom use is a sign that (the couple) does not want a complete gift. “

Don Antonelli also asked to give to true family Special legal, economic, social and cultural support  support compared to other forms of cohabitation.

He said that the family “as the unity of different sexes is the universal experience of humanity, and this premise is also confirmed by modern science.”

translated from Portuguese