You Are King! You Are Sovereign!

I began to compose this music in 2008 in a Kairos here in Canção Nova during the prayer of Fábio Lira, who is consecrated in the Canção Nova [New Song] Community. In the occasion I did a refrain and kept it. In 2010 My fiancé, Carlos Biajoni gave me a letter to put to a melody, and within it was my old refrain. This music I sing joined with grace. 

In this year, selecting the repetoir with my brothers of Love and Adoration, I remembered this music which now will be on our 2nd CD, that we will release in July, in the PHN Retreat. 

I began to pray with the music and to delve into the meaning of the letter: “You are King, You are sovereign! Establish your house Lord. Until then, the verb estabelecer set me back to the Old Testament, when someone established themselves in one place, I was reminded of property [meansing] ceasing to be nomadic, having a place to call my own, but with the help of Marcio Mendes, I was surprised for the word means MANIFEST.

In the etymology of the word, ESTABELECER relates to the manifestation of the Lord, of proclaiming the action of the Lord in my life, in my family…the word is related to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. Marcio thus clarified for me that what “manifests” in the Holy Trinity is the Holy Spirit, or maybe that the Holy Spirit makes me sensible and docile to the divine action in my life, in search of holiness today. 

Tu és Rei [You Are King]

Tu és Rei, és Soberano. Estabelece tua casa Senhor (bis) [You are King, You are Sovereign. Manifest your house Lord (repeat)]

Tens poder para acalmar as águas [You have power to calm the waters]
Gerar vida na morte, curar a sequidão [Generate life from death, dryness]
Oh Deus do impossível quero louvar-te [Oh God of the impossible I want to praise you]
Quero adorar-te Jesus [I want to adore you Jesus]

Quero adorar-te no meu viver
Pois respiro a vida que vem de Ti [I want to adore you my life]
Oh Deus de aliança cumpre as promessas [Oh God of the covenant cover the promises]
Realiza o impossível em minha vida [Realize the impossible in my life]

Caiam os inimigos, estabelece tua casa Senhor (4x) [Enemies fall, establish your house Lord 4x]

with love


God Bless you!

Ana Lucia

translated from Portuguese