Woman, A Gift for Humanity

[In Today’s column, originally written for International Women’s Day, Adailton refers to the Canção Nova charism in which men and woman live at Canção Nova. If they are married, they live together in an apartment with their children. If they are not married they life in respective women’s or men’s houses on the campus. In Canção Nova, as what happens on the air, men and woman worship and work together and all live on the same campus.-ed.]

“In creating men ‘male and female,’ God gives man and woman an equal personal dignity.”119 “Man is a person, man and woman equally so, since both were created in the image and likeness of the personal God.”. CCC § 2334

Every woman is worthy of his calling, whatever it is. It’s up to us men, to respect them, love them, making it that each woman has her place in society, living with their rights and duties. The woman reveals the beauty of God.

In Canção Nova we have the grace of men and woman living in a healthy way. . . The living among the feminine turns the men more to be men of God, and vice-versa. Thus God gives us the grace of the experience of living holy relationships, from purity and transparency one with the other.

Thank you women, for simply being woman. thank you. . . mothers, grand-mothers, aunts, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, wives, God-mothers, Neighbors. . . It is not important the degree of position. .  all are important in our lives, and what would become of us men if there were no women.

Thank you for being WOMAN in the world.

Adailton Batista,

translated from Portuguese